Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Natural Treatment For Anxiety Natural Treatment For Anxiety And Stress...?

Natural treatment for anxiety and stress...? - natural treatment for anxiety

Is it easily accessible, natural elements, such as herbs or foods that treat anxiety and stress? Thank you ...


Diana D said...

Hi Sweetie,
If u experience anxiety and stress, in my opinion r not good not even sleep. Yu is required in half of r 7 8 clock. Save yours and can sleep symptoms cause st to get a good sleep health Nite Caps gentle relaxation herb called St. John's will. And after a dream Good Nite, and still feel they do not stay that way or at home, go for coffee, call a friend to join and jog away some of the stress and anxiety, just run, run, walk, think before U Lil radio with earplugs. Write r thoughts, dreams, expectations, goals. What wud good 4 U Know What triggers RR mood swings? U When I find you somewhere, while Dr. Heath shop, ask them to recommend stabalizer a mood. They are so easily in the shops and well-educated people attending things. Where ru I mean the country so far this time? I am in the cold, Canada, near Toronto, or if you want to talk about stress, we had our 1st Snow and cold, with significant peaks of strong winds!
Preferanywhere in the world, then here! lol
R Keep your chin up, maybe it's just a temporary phase of R for a moment, right? Been there, done that start with depression. I know what you r going threw.
E-back if u like, do not worry?

LOL, Diana D

Diana D said...

Hi Sweetie,
If u experience anxiety and stress, in my opinion r not good not even sleep. Yu is required in half of r 7 8 clock. Save yours and can sleep symptoms cause st to get a good sleep health Nite Caps gentle relaxation herb called St. John's will. And after a dream Good Nite, and still feel they do not stay that way or at home, go for coffee, call a friend to join and jog away some of the stress and anxiety, just run, run, walk, think before U Lil radio with earplugs. Write r thoughts, dreams, expectations, goals. What wud good 4 U Know What triggers RR mood swings? U When I find you somewhere, while Dr. Heath shop, ask them to recommend stabalizer a mood. They are so easily in the shops and well-educated people attending things. Where ru I mean the country so far this time? I am in the cold, Canada, near Toronto, or if you want to talk about stress, we had our 1st Snow and cold, with significant peaks of strong winds!
Preferanywhere in the world, then here! lol
R Keep your chin up, maybe it's just a temporary phase of R for a moment, right? Been there, done that start with depression. I know what you r going threw.
E-back if u like, do not worry?

LOL, Diana D

Elisabet... said...

I like the 5-HTP. It is a pill, derived from plants that help to increase the level of serotonin in the brain, making your mood and reduce your anxiety level. It is very easy to get and is sold without a prescription in pharmacies.

kate M said...

Valerian, St. John's Wort and Rescue Remedy (Bach flowers) are the best natural remedy for anxiety and stress.
You can also try acupuncture and Chinese herbs and pills that works very well.
Good luck!

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