Friday, February 12, 2010

Can Tmj Head Pains Be All Over The Head Quick Shooting Pains In My Head?? Could I Have TMJ?

Quick shooting pains in my head?? Could I have TMJ? - can tmj head pains be all over the head

In the past two months, I had a sudden and severe pain on the sides of the head. When I started to concern me a bit, but nothing too bad, but here lately .. in the last 2 weeks I had headaches at least twice a day and shot at a couple of times. Even if I never both simultaneously. Having had a nagging pain that I feel a little pressure for several minutes, and sometimes I feel dizzy. I looked and I saw some of my symptoms are associated with ATM. My jaw on the left side and it hurts sometimes seems too much, but what has happened for years. Could TMJ? I do not see how my jaw could be the cause of all these other pains. Who knows what might be now?


luv2lott... said...

I agree with the previous posters. There are many things that the pain can cause you speak, because if a doctor is the best option. At the very least give you peace of mind!

Brian G said...

Go see a doctor. He or she will perform just a little eyes, reflexes and coordination tests and would like to schedule a CT scan. Hydrocephalus can be all or nothing. But it is better to know sooner rather than later.

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